Waking Up

Short Film (In festival circuit) Clip Below
Produced by Khan-Flix

Director - James Patrick Nelson
Director of Photography - Adam Khan

AC - JD Acha
Gaffer - Grayson Horan
Grip - Miguel Rivas
Art Director - Brock Stillmunks
Sound - Jesse Flaitz
Make-Up - Nicholette
PA Acacia Willis

James Patrick Nelson - Jasper
Dennis Elkins - Uncle Louis

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“A young gay man speaking to his uncle about the struggles of the LGBTQ+ experience in the digital age”

Done in one take the camera travels from a wide to a close up (15ft in 13min). It was originally planned to use robotics in order to deliver consistent timing. Due to script changes, the motor could not achieve the necessary speed. My legendary gaffer Grayson Horan stepped in and managed to maintain a perfect speed at just over 1ft/min for 13min. You may recognize the pully system from “Stairwell My Love”.

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