Stairwell My Love

Produced by Khan-Flix

Director/DP: Adam Khan

Moony Matelot - Confetti Western

Anders Olson
Brendan Costello
Bridget Carrigan
Emily Freeley
Hazel Traifalgar Puentespina
Ingrid Olson
Michael Chiaro
Ora Magharefteh
Rett Goings
Sara Khan
Valarie Merced

Paulina Knack
Aaron Weininger
Tayleur Velazquez
Gerardo Flores
Kelley Heyer
Jelani Anthony
Patrick Heraghty
Tim Brown
Cailyn Cowan
Jojo Xu
Tuquan Smith
Humberto Olivieri
Georgette Vaillancourt
Larissa Sene
Kyle McCoy
Maya Herold
Jaime Michael
Brianna Bennett
Ahkai Franklin
Todd Goings

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Silver Sound Showdown - 1st Place

Single Take Challenge - Finalist

Done in one take, the camera descends 200’ down a stairwell.

On its way we pass vignettes set periodically throughout.

The camera was rigged to a custom motorized crane and 400’ of rope.